Welcome to the
Canadian Nursing & Genomics Website
There are an estimated 440,000 nurses across Canada, who are responsible for providing safe, competent, and ethical care, as well as promoting health and social justice for Canadians.  Advances in genomic technology, including increased understanding of genetic risk, have contributed to the emergence of precision health. Precision health is true personalized care, incorporating genomic information to tailor clinical recommendations and management to the individual patient.  Nurses with genomic literacy will enhance the clinical utility of genomics by facilitating the mainstreaming of genomic medicine across primary, secondary, and tertiary care sites, supporting individuals and families, and addressing important ethical issues such as equity of access.

In early 2020 the Canadian Nursing and Genomics (CNG) steering group was formed to help nurses respond to advances in genomics and the emergence of precision health. The CNG aims to support Canadian nurses to develop genomic literacy and accelerate the integration of genomics into nursing practice.