New Publications 2023-2024
Below are recent projects and publications from 2023 - 2024 research projects with members of the CNG and our collaborators.
CIHR Policy Catalyst Grant - Designing Engagement Strategies for Genomics-Informed Oncology Nursing: Comparative Prospective Cross-Jurisdictional Policy Analysis [DESIGN: Policy]
The two papers below are the product of three-phase CIHR-funded policy catalyst grant. This study was conducted in collaboration with the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) and the Canadian Oncology Nurses Association / Association des infirmières en oncologie (CANO/ACIO). The phase three paper is in press and will be added soon!
Phase 1 Paper - Comparative Policy Analysis
Chiu, P., Limoges, J., Pike, A., Calzone, K., Tonkin, E., Puddester, R., Gretchev, A., Dewell, S., Newton, L., Leslie, K. (2023). Integrating genomics into Canadian oncology nursing policy: Insights from a comparative policy analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 80(11), 4488-4509.
Phase 2 Paper - Interpretive DescriptionChiu, P., Limoges, J., Puddester, R., Gretchev, A., Carlsson, L., Leslie, K., Flaming, D., Meyer, A., & Pike, A. (2023). Developing policy infrastructure to guide genomics-informed oncology nursing in Canada: An interpretive descriptive study. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 56(4), 363-376.
DESIGN Policy Brief for CANO/ACIO and CASN
DESIGN Policy Brief for CIHR
SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Grant -Developing Equity Strategies for Genomics-Informed Nursing
The link below is to a knowledge synthesis report of a study conducted by members and collaborators of the CNG entitled, "Developing equity strategies for genomics-informed nursing: A scoping review" funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council in partnership with Genome Canada and Genome Alberta.
Nursing Strategies to Address Health Disparities in Genomics-Informed Care.Limoges, J., Chiu, P., Dordunoo, D., Puddester, R., Pike, A., Wonsiak, T., Zakher, B., Carlsson, L., & Mussell, J. K. (2024). Nursing strategies to address health disparities in genomics-informed care: a scoping review. JBI evidence synthesis, 22(11), 2267–2312.